Church and Religion

Window of Non-Christians

On October 28, 1965, Second Vatican Council issued an official Decree on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions. 
The Latin designation for the document, "NOSTRA AETATE," is taken from the opening words of the proclamation: "In this age of ours, people ore drawing more closely together ... the Church examines with greater core the relation she has to non-Christian religions." The document is a masterpiece of understdnding. 
The Fathers admit that the Holy Spirit is free to operate and breathe where the Spirit wills. The document regrets past misunderstandings among Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists and specifically cites the good their followers have accomplished. 
God the Father and Son dominate the window. With outstretched arms, in traditional sign of sending the Spirit, they bless Moses and Mohammed pictured together in the center of the window. 
The familiar crescent hangs over the head of Mohammed. The falcon-headed character is a remnant of the mythological beliefs of ancient Egypt. 
He is identified as Horus, the son of Isis.
The dancing and whirling figure to the right is the Hindu God Shiva. The final figure at the bottom center depicts the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, more familiarly known as the "Buddha."

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"Window of Non-Christians"
MONTFORT Associação Cultural
Online, 22/01/2025 às 10:14:45h