Politics and Society

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  • Brazilian official says country not ready for abortion

    Brazil’s Secretary for Women’s Policies, Nilceia Freire, admitted this week that political conditions in the country were not favorable for the passage of a controversial new law that would legalize abortion on-demand.

  • Scientists cheer holocaust wish

    What would happen if a world-renowned scientist and evolutionary ecologist told hundreds of his colleagues that 90 percent of the human race needed to be wiped out by exposure to Ebola or some other deadly virus?

  • Doctor says disabled newborns are killed in North Korea

    North Korea has no people with physical disabilities because they are killed soon after they are born, according to Dr. Ri Kwang-chol, who fled the communist country to South Korea last year. He shared his shocking tales yesterday with a forum of human rights activists in Soeul.

  • Secret Document Reveals Coordinated Effort to Enforce Universal Abortion on Demand

  • Artigos

  • National Sanctity of Human Life Day

    All human life is a gift from our Creator that is sacred, unique, and worthy of protection. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our country recognizes that each person, including every person waiting to be born, has a special place and purpose in this world. We also underscore our dedication to heeding this message of conscience by speaking up for the weak and voiceless among us

  • Who is planning our next war?

    As Americans await Bush`s address announcing a "surge" of 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops to Iraq, we may be missing the larger picture. The War Party is turning its attention from Iraq – to Iran.