
Neo-Cathecumenal Way Heresies
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Brasília - DF, Brasil

Dear friends, I would like to know about the “Neo-Cathecumenal way”. Do you recommend any book on this matter? It is very important for me and I don’t know where I can find them. Please, answer my message.



Dear Lila, hail Mary.

There is a important book about the so-called Neo-cathecumenal way written by the father Enrico Zoffoli entitled “The Neo-cathecumenal way movement heresies” that is very interesting. This book can be bought in the author’s house: Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 14, 0000184, Rome.

The author has had access to the records of two meetings chaired by the two main leaders of this movement, Kiko and Carmen, which main goal was to guide the Neo-Cathecumenal way catechists from Madrid, in February 1972.

This movement, despite the support that has been received from certain sectors of the clergy, displays a great amount of serious errors against the faith.

I will number some of the heresies taught by this movement, according to what tells Father Zoffolli:

1   - Christ didn’t redeem at all.
2   - Man cannot avoid committing sins.
3   - Jesus didn’t explain himself to God for men’s sins.
4   - Jesus didn’t sacrifice Himself for us by dying at the Cross.
5   - The Church isn’t a hierarchic society, but a charismatic society.
6   - Priesthood doesn’t require the Ordeal sacrament. To this, the baptism is enough.
7 - No sacrifice is made at the Mass.
8 - If the assembly doesn’t make the proclaiming, there is no Eucharist.
9 – Transubstantiation is not a dogma of faith.
10  - Christ is not really present on the Eucharist, because the so-called transubstantiation is not a prodigy.
11  - Penance happens just in the Baptism.
12  - Absolution isn’t important, for the confession is public and communitarian.
13  - At the end of times, all men will be saved.
14  - People don’t need be in the Catholic Church in order to be saved. It is enough belonging to Christ’s herd.
15  - The Vatican II is the only valid council for today’s church.
16  - The Bible could be interpreted on its own, through parallel texts.

As you can notice, these heresies easily destroy the catholic faith.

Because of this, the Neo-Cathecumenal Way cannot be considered orthodox.

In Corde Jesu, semper.
Orlando Fedeli.